Books by Machado de Assis (3)


Dom Casmurro by Machado de Assis EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
A classic story of love and jealousy, Dom Casmurro is the story of Bento and his childhood love, Capitu, who overcome their parents' reluctance to marry. But Bento jealously suspects that their son is not his. But beyond this straightforward plot, Machado plays with the reader's expectations and comments on the structure of the story, blurring the line between fiction and reality and appearing very modern.


Las memorias póstumas de Blas Cubas by Machado de Assis ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
El fallecido Blas Cubas cuenta toda su vida desde su nacimiento hasta su muerte en un estilo innovador y sin precedentes hasta entonces. Cuenta sus amores frustrados con Marcela y Virgília, su intento de ingresar a la vida política y su búsqueda de darle sentido a su vida siguiendo la fallida filosofía de Quincas Borba.